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Therapy for Corporates

We focus on the personal and professional aspects of an individuals life to see how that affects their mental health and formulate a plan to improve it.

Therapies We Provide

Brain Function Therapy

Brain Function Therapy (BFT) is a computerised cognitive retraining program that helps the brain enhance available cognitive resources. Our brains have the ability  to change and with enough training and practice, one can improve their functioning. BFT works to strengthen the brain muscles and the connectivity to enhance cognitive confidence and functioning. 

Assertive Skills Training

Training with regards to learning how to be assertive and communicate effectively is much needed in today’s business environment. Being respectful and appropriate in the work environment is a key factor for employees. Being pushy, is something that must be avoided and assessing skills with regards to assertiveness helps one develop such skills in an optimal manner. Assertive skills training helps an employee get a good grasp on how to comminicate their ideas effectively. The 3Cs – confidence, clarity and control are examples of what would be covered in terms of training which would then lead to better communication in the workplace. For an employee, knowing how their opinions are interpreted and comprehended is crucial information.


Depression is a mood disorder that can be described as feelings of sadness, anger, loss, and can interfere with a person’s day-to-day life. Depression is a fairly common condition with over 40% of the Indian population suffering from the same. Suffering from depression can affect the personal as well as work life. People are unable to function efficiently in their workplace. The persistence of depression can even lead to loss of interest and focus and ultimately a loss of employment. Therapy for depression is not just for lifting the mood but can also help in better physical health, lead to better productivity, sharper memory and other cognitive skills and improved quality of life.

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is a psychological condition that is triggered by witnessing or experiencing a terrifying event and results in a reliving of the experience in the form of flashbacks, nightmares, sleeplessness and severe anxiety. PTSD can last for weeks, months and even years after the trauma has passed. Living with PTSD can interfere with social, personal and work life. Therapy is necessary if memories related to trauma are persistent and are causing problems in daily functioning. Therapy lets people explore and face the traumatic memories in a safe space and helps them gain control over lasting fears related to the memories. People learn to cope with situations that may trigger memories.


Phobia refers to an intense, irrational fear of something that does not possess any danger in real life. People may exhibit panic-like behaviors in work settings, avoid the workplace or surrounding areas. This can affect one’s professional life negatively as they may fear facing their colleagues, attending meetings, giving presentations, etc. Therapy helps people address their thought patterns that have a negative effect on their well-being. This may help them identify the thoughts that contribute to their phobia. Therapy also helps in developing effective mechanisms to cope with fearful situations.

Impulse Control

Impulsive behavior is said to have occurred when a person acts quickly without considering the consequences. When impulsive behavior becomes frequent and the individual is unable to control their impulses, it becomes a part of a mental health condition like impulse control disorder. People who cannot control their impulses make rash decisions that can lead to negative consequences. In a workplace, impulsive behavior can lead to decisions that may contribute to overall loss and, in some cases, the organization as a whole may have to suffer. Therapy can help in identifying and addressing the behavioral triggers that lead to impulsive actions and learning strategies to minimize such triggers and gaining control over one’s behaviors.

Family Therapy

Family therapy is designed to specifically address the issues that affect the psychological health of members of the family. It aims to promote collaboration and understanding among family members. Conflicts within the family can have a negative impact on mental health and can result in a decline in the quality of work and productivity. This can also lead to additional work stress. Through family therapy, family members explore their roles and behavior patterns to identify the factors that contribute to the conflict. It also helps in understanding the family’s strengths and weaknesses. Family members benefit by learning coping skills that can help in bringing them closer together.


Neurofeedback is a well-established, scientifically sound, clinical intervention based on EEG-based biofeedback. In neurofeedback, the individual is trained to enhance or reduce desired brain wave activity with the objective of altering the brain activity so as to alleviate their problems. This training helps people in building and maintaining a state of mind that involves more self control, emotional regulation and cognitive enhancement.

Productivity Enhancement Training

It is no secret that employee productivity is very important with regards to business output and the quality and quanitity of work of each and every employee affects growth. Productivity also helps to motivate the workplace culture and boost moral, producing an even better company environment. More often than not, when a firm is highly productive, it eventually becomes successful, and because of this, incentives are bound to be made available to the employees. One cannot further emphasise the paramount importance of producitivity in an employee’s life and why efforts must be made for an enhancement of the same. Not only does productivity enhancement lead to an increase in the welfare and well-being of an employee but also for the rest of the team and the organisation.


Anxiety is the body’s natural response to stress and is also considered healthy in some situations. However, sometimes the anxiety can go beyond optimum levels and may cause distress. This can lead to issues in daily functioning and coping with the stressors at the workplace. By learning and understanding how to manage high levels of anxiety, one can work strategically during stressful situations and perform better to provide greater results. Management of anxiety can help in uncovering the causes of extreme worry and stress, and develop healthier coping skills. Destressing also enhances creativity and helps to look at a situation from a different perspective.

Social Anxiety

Social anxiety is a psychological condition where a person may experience intense fear in social settings. Having social anxiety in the workplace can cause hindrance to one’s professional life. The individual may not be able to work confidently, especially in situations where they have to present themselves in front of their colleagues or superiors. They may get scared during interviews, meeting new colleagues, attending meetings and more. Therapy in this condition gives people a safe space to address and explore their thoughts, beliefs and feelings and helps them learn the skills they need to cope in social situations. Therapy also provides them with ways to make changes that will reduce their fears in social settings.

Panic Attacks

Panic attacks are sudden episodes of extreme fear that trigger several physical symptoms like elevated heart rate, nausea, dizziness, shortness of breath, chills, numbness, etc. Panic attacks are generally a result of major stress or anxiety. This can even include performance anxiety in the workplace, nearing deadlines, failing objectives and more. Panic attacks can cause a person to fear stressful situations that can lead to missed opportunities and not being able to work their potential. Therapy in such cases can help in understanding the underlying fear and anxiety that leads to panic. People learn how to cope with panic situations and understand that such situations are not threatening or dangerous thereby overcoming the existing fears.

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is a condition that involves the repeated occurrence of unwanted thoughts (obsession) or sensations or an urge to perform a task excessively (compulsion) which can lead to problems in functioning. The obsessions and compulsions may waste the valuable time of a person and may lead to them falling behind on their targets. Therapy in the cases of OCD can help in reducing the frequency of occurrence of obsessions and compulsions. Through addressing and analyzing thoughts, feelings, and actions, people are encouraged to face the stressors and cope with repeated behaviors while reducing anxiety that leads to recurrent thoughts.

Personality Development

Personality development training helps to improve confidence levels and create a good and lasting impression on others. Not everyone is born with a positive attitude, good self-esteem and confident personality. These are. elements that are much needed for an employee to co-operate well with others and coordinate effectively with regards to the sharing of resources and achieve group goals. Personality development training also allows employees to establish a good work dynamic. Such training helps one to develop an impressive personality and makes them stand apart from the rest. A stellar personality in the workplace allows an employee to extract the best from themselves and deliver on the goals established by senior management. A good persoanlity can help with taking on a new approach to leadership styles, resolve conflicts more effectively, communicate more effectively and perform in the best possible manner.

Stress Management

Effective stress management helps you break the hold stress has on your life so that you can be happier, healthier and more productive. After stress measurement has taken place, stress management is the next step so as to allow an employee to develop methods and strategies to effectively combat the same. The lack of physical and mental energy can prevent an employee from doing their best, which will have a significant impact on productivity and their ability to effectively engage with the tasks and demands of their respective roles in the organisation. Healthier employees operating under optimal levels of stress will be happier and more positive, helping to maintain a strong, healthy workplace culture that’s conducive to creativity and productivity.

Constant Psychogenic Pains

Psychogenic pain is a pain disorder marked by prolonged pain that does not have physiological roots. Psychological and emotional problems can cause a person to complain of pain that mimics physiological pain. The most common types of psychogenic pain are headaches, muscle pain, abdominal pain and back pains. If such kinds of pain are persistent, it can cause work distractions, more medical leaves and low productivity. Through therapy, the underlying psychological causes can be identified and steps can be taken to treat and prevent psychogenic pain. Individuals can benefit from this as they learn different ways of doing tasks to minimize the pain and avoid injuries.

Soft Skills Training

Soft skills serve to represent one’s approach to life and work. It is no secret that soft skills are hardwired to an individual’s personality, and they characterize how one interacts with other people in the workplace. Such skills are considered vital so as to effectively contribute in a workplace environament. Soft skills improve employee performance and productivity across the board. Staffers are able to manage their time more effectively and communicate their thoughts with ease. This allows them to speed up task completion times without compromising quality. It is for this and several other reasons that an employee must opt for soft skills training. Taking on soft skills training enables an employee to “think outside the box” both creatively and critically. After said training, employees are able to weigh their options, make informed decisions and thus more likely to achieve personal and organisational objectives. Soft skills training also makes employees more presentable as representatives of their organisation.

Eating Disorders

Eating disorders are psychological conditions characterized by the development of abnormal eating habits. They can start with an obsession related to food, body image, body shape or weight. A person at a higher risk of an eating disorder may indulge in unhealthy eating habits under extreme stress. Such unhealthy eating habits can lead to discomfort, fatigue, anxiety and many other physical problems that can cause obstructions in work life. Therapy can help in understanding and addressing psychological components of the condition and controlling the impulse to eat abnormally. Through this, people learn different coping strategies to manage stressful situations and replace eating impulses with healthy practices.

Impulse Control

Impulsive behavior is said to have occurred when a person acts quickly without considering the consequences. When impulsive behavior becomes frequent and the individual is unable to control their impulses, it becomes a part of a mental health condition like impulse control disorder. People who cannot control their impulses make rash decisions that can lead to negative consequences. In a workplace, impulsive behavior can lead to decisions that may contribute to overall loss and, in some cases, the organization as a whole may have to suffer. Therapy can help in identifying and addressing the behavioral triggers that lead to impulsive actions and learning strategies to minimize such triggers and gaining control over one’s behaviors.

Deaddiction Therapy

Addiction refers to psychological and physiological dependence on alcohol or other drugs that affect the nervous system in a way that symptoms of withdrawal are experienced upon discontinuation of the substance. Addiction can affect many aspects of life including health, employment, finance, interpersonal relationships, and more. Deaddiction therapy helps in understanding the different aspects of addiction and how to deal with those aspects whilst abstaining from substance use or abuse. Through deaddiction therapy, individuals can enhance their motivation, identify high-risk situations and develop problem-solving skills, handle negative moods, manage stress and control aggression.

Sleep Hygiene Improvement

Some of the most serious potential problems associated with chronic sleep deprivation are high blood pressure, diabetes, heart failure or stroke. We can effectively state that inadequate sleep causes serious problems in both personal and professional spaces. Sleep deprivation negatively affects work performance and relationships at the workplace. Without adequate sleep, employees have more difficulty concentrating, learning, and communicating. Memory lapses slso increase because of the same. It is for this reason that one must learn strategies to improve what is known as sleep hygiene. Good sleep hygiene is needed for both physical and mental recuperation, improving productivity and overall quality of life. These factors have a direct implication in a workplace environment. For this reason, sleep hygiene improvement strategies must be looked into so that an employee can be alert, attentive and enjoy successful work periods.

To know more about commonly faced problems and therapies provided, click here

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