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Mental Health @ School

Our programs are tailored to help Schools provide their Students and Parents a comprehensive Mental Health program including assessments, counselling, therapy and workshops.

We liason with parents and teachers to ensure the child receives the best care they deserve.

Our Services


We conduct several assessments on the child to understand the various aspects of the life ans wellbeing to see what needs improvement. We work alongside the child and parent to formulate a plan for the same.

We also conduct assesssments to understand the aptitude of the child to help with career guidance.


We look at the child as a whole and work not only with them but their schools as well to see how best we can help improve the childs quality of life.

We work with parents to understand the childs behaviour at home and see what structures can be put in place to improve the same.



We conduct workshops and trainings for parents and teachers on how to interact more effectively with their children and students.

We also conduct trainings with shadow teachers who help provide focused attention onto a child.

These trainings and workshops also help parents and teachers focus on their own psychological health as well.

Speak to our Therapists