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Personality Disorders



Persons with a personality disorder can have trouble perceiving and relating to situations and people. They may have  unhealthy and inflexible long-term patterns of thinking and acting. Most often, they may not realize that they have a personality disorder because their way of thinking and behaving seems natural to them.

Relationships and jobs are severely harmed as a result of the habits that arise out of personality disorders. Personality issues make it impossible for people to cope with daily pressures and stressors. They may also blame others for the challenges they face. This causes significant problems and limitations in relationships, social activities and work life.

There are numerous types of personality disorders which are grouped into three clusters based on similar characteristics and symptoms such as the odd and eccentric, the dramatic and unpridictable, and the anxious and fearful.

For a diagnosis, the behaviors and feelings of the client must be consistent across many life circumstances. These maladaptive behaviours also cause significant distress and impairment in the way they perceive or interpret their behaviour and that of those around them.

Psychotherapy aids the treatment of personality disorders. The therapist talks about the client’s symptoms, as well as their emotions and thoughts. This will help the client understand how to deal with symptoms and habits that are interfering with their everyday life activities. Therapy also involves focusing on their current ability to function, learning to manage emotions that feel uncomfortable and reducing impulsiveness by helping them observe and transform feelings rather than acting on them.