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Assessments for Corporates

We conduct a wide range of tests to understand the problems faced by employees.  Assessments help provide an objective and standardised measure of understanding behaviour. This could range from problems faced at the workspace to personal problems that affect their performance, on the basis of which a therapeutic plan can be formulated.


Job Satisfaction

The well-being and satisfaction of the employee can directly contribute to the  growth of an organisation. Assessments include  understanding how employees feel about their work, colleagues, superiors and juniors, and how this impacts their  attention and productivity. A lack of job satisfaction can increase the attrition rate, affecting the company’s performance. Therefore, employees and employers need to be aware of psychological and physical consequences of their satisfaction at work and understand what changes need to be made to optimise their performance.

Interpersonal Adjustment

In an organisation, an employee’s development is based on their ability to adjust to the challenges and conflicts that they may face. Having a strong support system at the work place can help reduce friction. Strengthening interpersonal relationships is important so as to minimise conflicts and maximise high-yielding relationships. Interpersonal adjustment is extremely important for creating and maintaining meaningful personal and professional relationships in the workplace. Assessments that deal with the same can help resolve interpersonal conflicts so that a team can achieve the highest level of functioning.


Knowing one’s aptitude can help one ensure a right match between their interests and occupation.  An aptitude is an inborn potential to do certain kinds of work. After ascertaining their aptitude, employees and employers can assign work better to ensure that everyone is working to the best of their abilities with ease and comfort.

Psychological Wellbeing

An employee’s psychological well-being refers to their individual levels of positive functioning. This can include their belief about their mastery and personal growth, along with how they relate with those around them. Psychological wellbeing includes how one thinks, feels and behaves. It helps determine how one handle stress, relate to others and make decisions. These elements have a significant bearing on how an individual is at the workplace. Better psychological wellbeing is associated with a greater quality of life and evaluations that help one determine the same are the first step to reach such an ideal. Improving ones psychological wellbeing can help increase ones productivity and efficiency at work.

Quality of Life

Quality of life is the degree to which an individual is healthy, comfortable and able to participate in or enjoy life events. Generally speaking, QOL is a powerful predictor of mortality and morbidity than many objective measures of health. In a  work environment, QOL measures are indicators of unmet needs and a predictor of intervention outcomes meant to improve productivity and efficacy. Quality of life or quality of work life is tied to happier employees and also better business results. When the quality of work-life is stable, productivity is bound to increase and so does the level of employee retention. The importance of quality of work life is to extend jobs and working conditions that are beneficial for employees as well as economic strength of the organization. A quality of life assessment helps to improve and understand the employee’s attitude towards their work work and improves the performance of the organisation as a whole.


Employee productivity  is an assessment of the efficiency of an individual or a group working together. Productivity may be evaluated in terms of the output of an employee in a specific period of time.  As much of the success of any organization relies upon the productivity of its workforce, employee productivity is an important consideration for businesses. It is for this reason that assessment of productivity is critical to set realistic goals and objectives for an organisation or part thereof. Once these goals are set an employee can further understand how to apply their skills in a judicious manner to maximise their efficiency.

Diagnostic Assessments

Diagnostic assessment are used to leanr when and what kind of adjustments and changes need to be made so as to facilitate growth. It plays a significant role in workplace outcomes for all employees. It assesses  the nature and extent of difficulties that they have, which if left undiagnosed might limit their engagement in their profession and their ability to fully participate in the requirements of the same. Making an organisation inclusive starts with understanding the individual’s strengths, skills and challenges. For an employee, a workplace diagnostic assessment offers support that’s specific to the job. A diagnostic assessment is not a ‘test’ of the employee or employer but designed to create a more positive working environment for the employee, manager and colleagues.

Stress Perception

One of the biggest problems faced by employees is the workplace stress that has severe implications in terms of burnout and other physiological manifestations. Workplace stress is said to be the harmful physical and emotional responses that takes place when there is a conflict between job demands on the employee and the amount of control an employee has over meeting those demands. Measuring stress through the means of a valid and reliable assessment is necessary to prevent falling prey to the same. The lack of physical and mental energy can prevent an employee from doing their best, which will have a significant impact on productivity and their ability to effectively engage with the tasks and demands of their respective roles in the organisation.

Cognitive Wellbeing

Cognitive functioning encompasses the brain’s mental processes that deal with acquiring knowledge and information. These mental processes include paying attention, learning, memory, information processing and problem-solving. Our cognitive abilities have a lot to do with how we understand and perceive the world, resulting in how we act in it. These mental abilities and skills are what we use to carry out any and all tasks – from the simplest to the most complex. Cognitive function isn’t necessarily the knowledge you keep in your brain, but rather the ability to store that knowledge and use it. It has more to do with the ways we learn and how we use, process and store information. It also includes a set of executive functions (hence relating to our dimension of work), which includes abilities such as an individual’s flexibility, insight into other peoples’ worlds, decision-making, emotional self-regulation and inhibition. Cognitive functions play a critical role in our abilities at work. Employees need the mental processes involved in cognitive function to complete tasks, make decisions and adapt to our work environment and the duties that come with it. When these mental process are jeopardized, it negatively impacts productivity and ability to do work in the best manner possible. It is therefore necessary to evaluate levels of cognitive functioning and formulate plans to optimise functioning and the aforementioned can undoubtedly be achieved through the means of a neuropsychological or cognitive assessment.

Sleep Patterns

Taking adequate rest is extremely important for a healthy mind and therefore allows for better results in the workplace. Some of the most serious potential problems associated with chronic sleep deprivation are high blood pressure, diabetes, heart failure or stroke. We can effectively state that inadequate sleep causes serious problems in both personal and professional spaces. Sleep deprivation negatively affects work performance—productivity and quality—and working relationships. Without adequate sleep, employees have more difficulty concentrating, learning, and communicating. Memory lapses also increase because of the same. As it is crucial for a business to diagnose sleep patterns and disorders, an evaluation of sleep patterns is of utmost importance. Such assessments inevitably help to rectify issues for the sake of the health of the employee and the prosperity of the organisation.


Confidence, clarity and control are considered as being the 3Cs of assertive communication in the workplace. However at the same time being a good listener and reflecting appropriately on the content of the conversation is also as important as the aforementioned skills. For an employee, knowing how their opinions are interpreted and comprehended is crucial information. Learning how to be more assertive will help understand how to best communicate ideas so that they have maximum impact.

Leadership Style and Decision Making

Leadership looks into how one can bring out the best in those around them. An insight into a employee’s leadership skills and abilities can allow them to hone their craft, making them  eligible to take on more challenging tasks such as managing and leading a team or a group to accomplish the larger goals of the organisation. Self-development, team-development, strategic thinking and acting are a few examples of essential leadership skills and practises. Understanding ones leadership style also enables one to know how effectively they are communicating with their team.

Communication Skills

Workplace communication is the process of exchanging information and ideas, both verbally and non-verbally between individuals or groups within an organization.Communication assessments for employees enables organizations to become more agile and achieve better workplace alignment. It also improves some of the most important elements with regards to employee retention, engagement, motivation and talent attraction. For an employee, an assessment of communication skills further allows them to interact effectively across an organization, from the highest levels to the lowest levels and create an environment that promotes productivity and efficiency. Employees are better able to understand each other, which leads to an increase in office morale and unity

Personality Traits

Every individual is different and unique. Personality tests assess how employees exhibit different traits across various situations. A workplace personality test provides insight into a person’s strengths and weaknesses and how that can affect their progress at the workspace. A workplace personality test is designed to understand what kind of working personality one has so that appropriate matching of job demands can can be arranged. Using personality tests in the workplace helps understand employees as individuals and as a team. When used effectively, these tests increase productivity, teamwork and communication, leading to a happier and more profitable business. 

Marital Adjustment

Marital adjustment describes the accommodation of partners to each other.  Factors contributing to levels of marital adjustment include marital satisfaction, cohesion, agreement, affection, and conflict. With regards to the aforemetioned it is not difficult to understand how and why such a personal relationship is related to one’s perfromace at work. Further interventions to influence such a relationship can then be planned in view of the overarching goal of allowing each employee to give their 100% towards the responsibilities that they are bestowed upon for the sake of achieving the goals of the organisation.

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